Our Experience

We build enterprise applications for the mobile workforce and consumer applications that provide a rich and intuitive user experience. With our expertise in all mobile platforms, including iOS, Android™, and Windows Mobile, our teams create cutting-edge applications that consistently exceed client expectations.

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 iOS Application Development

Ensemble has developed applications for the whole family of iOS devices – iPhone®, iPad®, and the iPod Touch®. With an in-depth understanding of the latest iOS SDK, our designers and developers deliver applications with the ultimate in user engagement and functional excellence.

 Android™ Application Development

Ensemble creates superior quality Android applications for mobile and tablet devices. Our developers are well versed in Android SDK, OpenGL, Android media APIs, location based service APIs, Android security architecture, and other related technologies.

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 Application Development for Windows Devices

Ensemble has considerable experience building exclusive applications for Windows® Devices. With our comprehensive knowledge, our developers and designers take on a results-oriented approach to deliver innovative features and seamless interaction.

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